Operating in the state of São Paulo, especially in Baixada Santista, for over 50 years, with an ethical tradition, practicing modern law focused on the rights of its clients, always offering personalized service.
What can we do for you
Being well advised is the best way to prevent disputes, seeking preventive legal tools.
Currently, many rights are guaranteed in the extrajudicial sphere, generating lower costs and bureaucracy, such as inventories and separations, so a lawyer you trust is essential.
“If the love of wealth is, in a lawyer, greater than the love of honor, change professions. Look for another where, in order to achieve wealth, it is not surprising that you abandon your honor.”
Plínio Barreto
“Freedom of expression is a hallmark of the human condition and helps other freedoms that are threatened, injured or banned. She is the queen of freedoms.”
Ulysses Guimarães
“The dictatorial process, the authoritarian process, brings with it the germ of corruption. The bad thing about the authoritarian process is that it starts by disfiguring institutions and ends up disfiguring the character of the citizen.”
Tancredo Neves
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”
Martin Luther King
About Us
Your right,
our duty.
Contact information
Praça Dom Idílio José Soares, 42 cnj 78, Centro, Santos, SP.